Athletic Information
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Sports We Offer
ATHLETIC COORDINATOR | Brooke DiFormato | 860-412-7586 |
Football | Joe Asermelly | 860-412-7504 |
Cheerleading (Winter) | Jessica Mongeau | 860-412-7541 |
Volleyball | Michelle Murray | 860-412-7556 |
Cross-Country | Roger DeGray | 860-412-7530 |
Boys Soccer | Drew Mizak | 860-412-7599 |
Girls Soccer | Molly Panteleakos | 860-412-7578 |
Boys Basketball | Daniel Piccione | 860-412-7567 |
Girls Basketball | John Murdock | 860-412-7561 |
Wrestling | Zachary Veleas | 860-412-7586 |
Outdoor Track & Field | Matt Papuga | 860-412-7596 |
Golf | Roger DeGray | 860-412-7530 |
Baseball | Anthony Formiglio | 860-412-7535 |
Softball | Brooke Diformato | 860-412-7586 |
Fall Sports
Roger DeGray
View the Schedule and Results
Head Coach
Joe Asermelly
The Quinebaug Valley Football program is a Tri-Op team made up of Thompson, Ellis Tech and Putnam. Our practices and games are hosted at Putnam High School. Football players are expected to be respectful and responsible young men, who work hard at achieving individual and team goals. Our coaches combine years of playing and coaching experience as well as aspire to the highest standards of citizenship to lead the sons of the towns in both on-field and off-field activities. Our team appreciates the full support of the collective towns here in the quiet corner.
All players are expected to comply with the following policies regarding attendance and tardiness. Failure to abide by these policies can be reason for dismissal from the squad.
Every player is expected to be prompt and attend every squad meeting, practice and game (Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshman.)
Tardiness will not be tolerated. If there is a reason that requires you to be late, it is your responsibility to notify a coach before that meeting, practice or game.
No player is excused from practice unless he has notified a coach and received permission to miss. Failure to attend practice(s) or game(s) will result in missing ½ of the next competition. No exceptions!
If you are injured or unable to workout, you are expected to still attend practice, meetings and games and assist when possible.
If you are being treated for an injury, you are to report to a coach as soon as your treatment is finished.
*As coaches, we realize there may be times when you are unable to notify us due to certain circumstances beyond your control. In this case, it is your responsibility to notify a coach as soon as it is possible.
All behavior on trips is a direct reflection on our school and team. Therefore, we expect the best. We are a first-class football program!
Be on-time to the bus.
There will be no loud music or loud talking on the bus.
No players leave the group without coach’s permission.
No profanity, obscenities or hanging anything out the windows of the bus.
All members of the football team are expected to travel with the team, to and from games. This time is utilized for pre- game and post-game meetings with the players. If an exception is needed, the parents need to contact Coach Asermelly at least three days before the game.
View the Schedule and Results
Winter Sports
Jessica Mongeau
View the Schedule
Head Coach
Zachary Veleas
Additional Information
Spring Sports
Head Coach
Jay Hardell
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View the Schedule and Results
Head Coach
Roger Degray
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View the Schedule and Results
Head Coach
Rich Gogan
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View the Schedule and Results
Head Coach
Brooke Diformato
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View the Schedule and Results