Ellis Tech Seniors Complete Asphalt Quality Technician Training!
Congratulations to these seniors who completed training as Asphalt Quality Technicians through a DOT and sponsored program with UCONN instructors. These students will be eligible to apply for employment opportunities in this field after graduation. We are so proud of them for taking the time needed to dedicate to [...]
Ellis Tech Guidance Department Receives the U.S. Army Award of Excellence!
The Ellis Tech Guidance Department was recognized by the U.S. Army for their dedication and commitment to guiding students toward post-secondary planning with the U.S. Army Award of Excellence! Congratulations to the staff in Guidance; your hard work and commitment are appreciated by our students, staff, and community! [...]
Congratulations for Quarter 3 High Honors and Honors Students!
Congratulations to all our students who earned High Honors and Honors for Quarter 3! High Honors Anderson, Shannon Kathleen Armstrong, Michael Bailey, Cody David Baker, Shy-Ann Lynn Barrows, Julyanna Marilyn Baton, Alexis Marie Beaulieu, Kyle Nathan Beausoleil, Micah Joseph Beavan, Chase Anthony Bedard, Olivia Ann Bennett, Cody Benniefield, Dominick [...]
Congratulations to Tyler Benoit- Hired by Brurnarhans!
Congratulations to Tyler Benoit, a junior carpentry student who was hired at Brurnarhans through the WBL Program!
Congratulations to Kendra Wilson- Hired by T & S Electric!
Congratulations to Kendra Wilson, junior electrical student, who was hired by T & S Electric, LLC, and registered with the DOL as a pre-apprentice! Pictured left to right: Mr. Wilson, proud dad, Kendra Wilson, and Isaiah Curtis, DOL apprenticeship representative.
National Signing Day at Ellis Tech!
SkillsUSA National Signing Day is a nationwide celebration showcasing our next generation of skilled professionals and the skilled career paths that have been, are and always will be essential to America’s future. The following students were honored today during SkillsUSA National Signing Day celebration. Congratulations!! We also want to [...]