February is CTE Month!
February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month! Be sure to follow our social media platforms to see our students get recognized and celebrated for their achievements, accomplishments, and the unique work that our students, staff and work-based partners do every day!
Yale School of Medicine Vaping Workshop- January 24th at 7PM
Please join us VIRTUALLY on Tuesday January 24th @7:00 PM! The Yale School of Medicine will provide a workshop on the current trends and health information regarding vaping. This informative workshop is designed to provide you with the most up to date and recent information about vaping and our [...]
EllisCon 32- A Huge Success!
On Saturday, November 19th, Ellis Tech hosted EllisCon 32. This annual gaming convention brings together members of the school and larger community to compete against each other in a variety of games. Read more about EllisCon 32