Camerota-MacNeill, Esther
School Psychologist, 504 Coordinator
(860) 412-7500 x13515

Devanny, Nicholas
Instructor, Precision Machining Technology
(860) 412-7500 x13533

DiFormato, Brooke
Instructor, Science / Athletic Coordinator
(860) 412-7500 x13557 AD Office x13586

Milton, Timothy
Department Head, Precision Machining Technology
(860) 412-7500 x13551

Mizak, Drew
Department Head, General Education
(860) 412-7500 x13599 Classroom X13532

Pambuku, Steven
Department Head, Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing
(860) 412-7500 x13548

Senuta, Thomas
Instructor, Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing
(860) 412-7500 x13524

Smallwood, Victoria
Department Head, Hairdressing and Cosmetology
(860) 412-7500 x13580

Sullivan, Christopher
Department Head, Automotive Technology
(860) 412-7500 x13581