Arnott, David
Department Head, Plumbing and Heating
(860) 412-7500 x13554
Asermelly, Joseph
Instructor, Health/PE
(860) 412-7500 x13504
Bacchiochi, Sarah
Instructor, Science
(860) 412-7500 x13506
Barbeau, James
Building Maintenance Supervisor
(860) 412-7500 x13575
Beach, Tiffany
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 412-7500 x13503
Bedard, Sheila
Director of Counseling and Admissions
(860) 412-7500 x13570
Bettencourt, Linda
(860) 412-7500 x13509
Camerota-MacNeill, Esther
School Psychologist, 504 Coordinator
(860) 412-7500 x13515
Carchia, Donna
Instructor, English
(860) 412-7500 x13508
Carter, David
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 412-7500 x13517
Cassidy, Melissa
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 412-7500 x13528
Codding, Concetta
Instructor, Special Education
(860) 412-7500 x13545
Coporale, Eric
Instructor, Music
(860) 412-7500 x13555
Coporale, Kristy
Instructor, English
(860) 412-7500 x13536
Corbett, Sarah
Instructor, Special Education
(860) 412-7500 x13505
Cournoyer, Cheryl
(860) 412-7500 x13511
Crawford, Wesley
Instructor, Carpentry
(860) 412-7500 x13507
Curtis, Vicki
Instructor, Social Studies
(860) 412-7500 x13527
Daoust, Jill
Instructor, Hairdressing and Cosmetology
(860) 412-7500 x13540
Davis, Kathy
(860) 412-7500 x13546
DeGray, Roger
Instructor, Health/PE
(860) 412-7500 x13530
DeLucia, Joseph
Department Head, Architecture
(860) 412-7500 x13908
Devanny, Nicholas
Instructor, Precision Machining Technology
(860) 412-7500 x13533
DiFormato, Brooke
Instructor, Science / Athletic Coordinator
(860) 412-7500 x13557 AD Office x13586
Ethier, Amy
Instructor, TESOL
(860) 412-7500 x13588
Formiglio, Anthony
Department Head, Electrical
(860) 412-7500 x13535
Gallow, James
Department Head, Carpentry
(860) 412-7500 x13537
Garner, Jacob
Instructor, Plumbing and Heating
(860) 412-7500 x13516
Gazzola, Chris
Instructor, Special Education
(860) 412-7500 x13565
Gildea, Patrick
(860)-412-7500 x13510
Gileau, Heather
Instructor, Reading
(860) 412-7500 x13825
Godere, Karen
Instructor, Special Education
(860) 412-7500 x13686
Hector Gonzalez
Instructor, Spanish
(860) 412-7500 x13553
Goodwin, Kristin
(860) 412-7500 x13518
Green, Cassandra
Instructor, English
(860) 412-7500 x13592
Grzych, Jaime
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 412-7500 x13521
Guertin, Patrick
School Resource Officer
(860) 412-7500 x13514
Hardell, Jay
Instructor, Social Studies
(860) 412-7500 x13560
Harmyk, Peter
Instructor, Social Studies
(860) 412-7500 x13549
Hawes, Andrew
Instructor, Masonry
(860) 412-7500 x13529
Hayden, Elliott
Department Head, Masonry
(860) 412-7500 x13539
Hemmig, Jeffery
Instructor, Culinary Arts
(860) 412-7500 x13568
Hoyt, Melissa
Instructor, Special Education
(860)-412-7500 x13520
Intrieri, Salvatore
Instructor, Science
(860) 412-7500 x13563
Jarmon, Jennifer
(860) 412-7500 x13550
Jewell, Sarah
Instructor, English
(860) 412-7500 x13592
Johnson, Jamie
Instructor, English
(860) 412-7500 x13542
Kaiser, Michael
Assistant Principal
(860) 412-7500 x13525
Kovacs, Alan
(860) 412-7500 x13585
Kovacs, Cindy
(860) 412-7500 x13501
LaMontagne, Todd
Library Media Specialist
(860) 412-7500 x13558
Langevin, Shelby
Fiscal Administrative Assistant
(860) 412-7500 x13534
Larson, Andrew
Instructor, Social Studies
(860) 412-7500 x13552
Lemaire, Lisa
(860) 412-7500 x13571
McConnell, Robert
Instructor, Automotive Technology
(860) 412-7500 x13519
Milton, Timothy
Department Head, Precision Machining Technology
(860) 412-7500 x13551
Mizak, Drew
Department Head, General Education
(860) 412-7500 x13599 Classroom X13532
Mongeau, Jessica
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 412-7500 x13541
Moran, Thomas
Instructor, Special Ed
(860) 412-7500 x13522
Munson, Dustin
Instructor, Science
(860) 412-7500 x13579
Murdock, John
Instructor, Electrical
(860) 412-7500 x13561
Murray, Michelle
Instructor, Health/PE
(860) 412-7500 x13556
Nelson, Zachary
Instructor, Architecture
(860) 412-7500 x13827
Nilsson, Heidi
School Nurse
(860) 412-7500 x13572
O'Brien, Sarah
Department Head, Health Technology
(860) 412-7500 x13592
Ouillette, Ryan
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 412-7500 x13559
Pambuku, Steven
Department Head, Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing
(860) 412-7500 x13548
Panteleakos, Molly
Instructor, Health/PE
(860) 412-7500 x13578
Papuga, Matthew
Student Achievement Intervention Lab
(860) 412-7500 x13596
Pascone, John
Department Head, Related
(860)-412-7500 x13566 Classroom X13532
Pascone, Kimberly
Dean of Students
(860) 412-7500 x13523
Patterson, Anthony
(860) 412-7500 x13585
Perez-Rivera, Janice
Social Worker
(860) 412-7500 x13547
Piccione, Daniel
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 412-7500 x13567
Pratt, Sedona
Instructor, Science
(860) 412-7500 x13538
Ross, Darlene
Building Maintenance
(860) 412-7500
Roswell, Paula
Instructor, Art
(860) 412-7500 x13564
Sawyer, Susan
Department Head, Special Education
(860) 412-7500 x13569
Senuta, Thomas
Instructor, Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing
(860) 412-7500 x13524
Simpanen, Wade
Building Maintenance
(860) 412-7500
Smallwood, Victoria
Department Head, Hairdressing and Cosmetology
(860) 412-7500 x13580
Smith, Julie
Instructor, Social Studies
(860) 412-7500 x13576
Smith, Sarah
Assistant Principal
(860) 412-7514 x13830
Sorel, Stephen
Department Head, Robotics and Automation
(860) 412-7500 x13531
Stachura, Tammy
Building Maintenance
(860) 412-7500
Sullivan, Christopher
Department Head, Automotive Technology
(860) 412-7500 x13581
Suplicki, Stanley
Building Maintenance
(860) 412-7500
Teneyck, Daniel
Instructor, Robotics and Automation
(860) 412-7500 x13531
Weedon, Laura
School Psychologist
(860) 412-7500 x13606
Whiting, Laura
(860)-412-7500 x13828
Wright, Cynthia
Instructor, English
(860) 412-7500 x13544
Zajac, Richard
Department Head, Culinary Arts
(860) 412-7500 x13562